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Abacquz Software and Engineering

Abacquz Software and Engineering is into developing Innovative Projects

Public Transportation – Patent Registered on seating arrangements in Public Transport system for increasing capacity, introduction of luxurious sitting, reclination and laying down

Unique wide reaching Interactive Education in class rooms and is web based and also graded to suit the needs of individual students. It is a combination of four bundles that makes this foundation laying, concept based education complete in the sciences and in mathematics.

Potable water, and on scaling up, water for irrigation and agriculture, from sea water using solar power, besides generating power
Visionary traffic management system for faster movement of traffic at signal light controlled traffic intersections


Abacquz Software and Engineering is into developing Innovative Projects

Unique wide reaching Interactive Education in class rooms and is web based and also graded to suit the needs of individual students. It is a combination of four bundles that makes this foundation laying, concept based education complete in the sciences and in mathematics.
Potable water, and on scaling up, water for irrigation and agriculture, from sea water using solar power, besides generating power.

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